First cycle question

  • John
    First cycle question
    on: 2018-09-10 07:08:14
    24 yrs old 6'5 19% bf. Been working out for 6 years. Looking to drop some weight and bf but maintain muscle. right now i'm on a 40/40/20 diet.Cycle Length 12 weeksTest E - 500mg a weekAnastrozole - eo3dPCTClomid - 100mg for 7 days then 50mgs for 14 days.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: First cycle question
    on: 2018-09-17 08:52:27

    the diet you want to use for fat loss on cycle is the same plan you would use without gear. The gear may help you push harder in that diet without losing muscle and you may find that you’re even getting a little leaner than you would otherwise while on the same plan and using gear, but for the most part, dieting fat off is the same on and off cycle. As you progress through the diet, you’ll be able to feel out how hard you can push to keep fat loss moving.