I can see that you’ve been reading and researching. Good for you. Just a couple things here that I would suggest. First, I would continue to use 500mg test through the cycle. Both compounds will work just fine. Also, tren can cause sexual dysfunction for some guys. 19-Nor based steroids are well known for this. Keeping the test higher will help. Next point, I also like to use test e and tren ace together. When I do, I break my test up into EOD so that every shot is the same. The more simple I can keep things, the better. So if your test is 250mg/ml, you’d take .5ml alone with your tren EOD. One last note, if you are new to tren, I would suggest using 50mg EOD to start. For a lot of my guys, we don’t go past 50 EOD. But if you wanted, you can always go up after a few weeks once you get the swing of it and know how you respond. Plus the more you can do with less drugs, the more room you leave yourself in future cycles. For PCT, you probably get different numbers because its not an exact science and of course, this isn’t what these drugs were originally created for. A pretty standard dosing for them would be 100mg Clomid, 20mg Nolvadex for 7 days. Then 14-21 days at 50mg Clomid and 20mg Nolvadex. I found that if I didn't feel completely recovered, I could keep from crashing by staying on 20mg for additional time after that