Hey brother, I am confident you are the guy I just write to in the other question about getting ready to do your PCT. This gives me a chance to say a little more of what I was thinking before. I’ll start with saying, slow it down. I totally understand and relate to your passion for the sport and for understanding these compounds, but I think you are getting wrapped up in details. You could better use that time focusing on other aspects that would make a larger impact. The diet and training. I’m not saying go natural. The drugs obviously play a big role in allowing us to take our physiques to the limits we do but the role isn't as great as the energy you are investing into it. Without seeing your physique, but knowing you are 6 ft at 200 lbs, I would step back and look at the bigger picture. Do you really want to run a cutting cycle at this stage, when you are still so new to gear and can make such great progress on cycle? Just food for thought. It's the diet that gives you a softer or harder look. Gear can make you add water whole you are on it but thats it. My thought would be to ditch the DHT compounds all together for now and use something that will better help with growth. Get through your PCT, recover, then see what your gains really look like a couple months after you are off. That will give you a better idea of how much muscle and fat you have. If you need to get rid of fat, start cleaning things up and dieting off slowly at that time, while still eating a high protein diet. Then as you get leaner, think about running this next cycle. You mentioned TBol. Thats a good compound for mass. Test, maybe EQ for 12-16 wk, add in the TBol for the first 6 wks. Then use the diet and hard ass training to get the results you want. Don’t rely on the gear to give you a look or shape you want. At the end of the day, you can do that through forcing your body in the gym and giving it the food it needs to get the look you want.