Just a heads up, it’s great to understand gear especially if you are using it but also, try to remember to keep it simple.If there is one thing I wish I learned sooner its that the cycle itself doesn't need to be complex in order to grow. If i understand you right, you are going to use a base of test prop, then tren possibly var. Plus clen. I would not go higher than 120 on the clen. As for your cycle, the main thing I would suggest is to switch your test to test e or cyp. Less volume. Instead of taking 1.5cc of test EOD, you could cut that down to closer to .5 ml per shot and you’ll get the same results. You can increasee your ai if needed but really, all of my clients use long acting test for our contests and we can control water by controlling estrogen. My plan would be 12-16 wks test and adex. Then add tren at 8 wks out from the end of your cycle. 50mg EOD. At 6 wks from the end, you could add your anavar.