This is a bodybuilding contest? Then I would start working toward cutting now. I start clients at 12 wks out at the least. If they need longer, we might start at 24 wks depending how much body fat they have to lose. I would focus on just test to start along with Ai. Then use fat burners like clen if desired. It sounds like you are newer to gear. I wouldn't want to bury you with a cycle that would be too big and cause more harms/risks to your prep than what it’s worth. So at 6-8 wks out, winstrol at 40-60mg would be good. Make sure you have enough to run into the show. Of course the diet and cardio is what is going to get you ready but adding in a plan like this, you can look even better. Make sure you manage estrogen well on this cycle in order to an optimal result in your look. You could use masteron at 100mg EOD if you preferred. Either would be good