There are a lot of ways to diet and within these methods, each person will need to make different adjustments. Thats probably why you have heard a lot of different ideas. IMO, the key to diet in BB, is to keep as much food in as you can and still make good progress. Progress is best evaluated through the mirror, pictures, and judging how your clothes fit. The scale can give you some basic info, but you can continue to lose fat while staying the same weight through much of a diet, if you have your food in order, especially on gear. I always keep my protein the same and slowly adjust my carbs and fats as needed. I would suggest you make small adjustments at a time, pulling out a 15 carbs here, adding 10 min of cardio there, keeping the progress going. At your size and body fat, after the initial water loss, after cleaning up your diet, if you are losing more than a couple lbs of scale weight a wk, you are probably not eating enough.
As for prop dosing, my suggestion of 1cc EOD is geared toward newer guys, who have only done a couple of cycles. For your first couple of cycles, you don't need more than 4-500mg of test cyp or test e. Then when you decide to cut, 1cc of prop EOD is plenty for a first cutting cycle. For guys like yourself, that have more expereince with using higher doses, I would obviously adjust to the test dose you have worked your way up to. Remember, you do get more mgs of test per ml of prop than test e, so if you are used to 850mgEW of test e, 1cc prop ED should be plenty.