I am more concerned with my preworkout meal in contest prep. I usually keep that meal as sweep potato and a lean source of beef. Those two sources seem to give me the best effect. I get the best pumps and feel sustained by the fats in the beef. Nothing makes me feel more "solid" than beef. If I reduce beef to only one meal a day, I make sure that it is in my pretraining meal. Depending on how the prep goes, I can usually keep it in through the entire diet.
For post workout, for most of a contest prep, I just move on the the next meal on my schedule, usually something like chicken, brown rice and broccoli. During a contest diet, I don't use simple carbs, unless it is in a scheduled cheat meal. I do not use fruit at any point during the prep. Early on, I may continue to use 2 scoops of whey and due to the speed at which it enters the blood, there will be some insulin response. But as the diet goes on, I will remove it, and just go straight into the next meal. Over time, you will build more insulin sensitivity. If I were to eat honey, it would most likely put my blood sugar on a rollar coaster, not to mention cause sugar cravings through the day.
Same goes with morning. Initially, I may have 1 scoop of whey, along with oats, nuts and egg whites, but as time goes on, I will remove the whey.
Everyone is going to need their own plan. For someone who stores fat more easily, they are going to have to be more strict than for someone who has a hard time putting on muscle and or fat. Personally, I fall into the 2nd catagory. Even though I can stay fairly lean year round without much effort, I still need to be very conservative with how I use carbs, to get to a low single digit body fat.