severe tendinitis in shoulders

  • anonymous424
    severe tendinitis in shoulders
    on: 2014-03-03 18:30:54
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us! I know you are very familiar with this issue and hope you can assist. The pain is at times unbearable, but comes and goes. I have been able to train around it luckily. I wanted to take a couple week's rest (would that help?) But I am 6 weeks out from a show (of course it started as soon as I decided to compete about 12 weeks out!). Any advice on rehab, training, anything would be very much appreciated! Thx!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: severe tendinitis in shoulders
    on: 2014-03-07 00:37:04

    This is a rough time to consider taking time off from weight training. Normally, I would say to back off if the problem is extreme. The advice I'm going to give isn't for a normal situation, but ONLY for this specific poster. If you can get ahold of some NPP asap, I would start that, unless you are already using tren. If you find that you are holding any fluid from the NPP, you would still have enough time to drop it out a couple wks prior to the show. Ice several times a day, 20 min on. Use a NSAID. 

    If you can train around it, using less weight and focusing on the squeeze, I would do that. Find what exercises work best and dont cause pain. Stick to them. I find that machines work well when trying to train through a tendon issue. The weight is stablized and you can focus on moving your body into a position that is comfortable to press from. If you find that over head presses bother you, you can get away with lateral raises for the next 6 wks.  All you need to do right now is keep the muscle full. You aren't going to make any new gains, 6 wks out from a show, so don't worry about the weight. 

    If you are certain that this is a tendon issue and not bursitis, deep tissue massage will help. If it is bursitis, massage may add to the inflamation.