post workout

  • perpkful
    post workout
    on: 2014-03-13 16:39:20
    Hi! I am currently doing a cycling carbohydrates, training around 10AM, eating carbohydrates in 3 divided doses, in the pre-workout 25% (which comes to breakfast), immediately post-workout 50% and the remaining 25 % 1h-1h30 after the post-workout. At breakfast as complex carbohydrates with some orange juice, in the immediate post workout I should put complex + simple carbs?, And how much of each, half simple and half complex? and 2 post-workout are complex. So my question is what kind of HC, simple or complex should put in the immediate post-workout?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: post workout
    on: 2014-03-15 02:18:19

    Post workout, I would use something faster, to spike insulin and help shuttle protein to storage. It doesn't have to be 100% fast carbs though. You can combine your carb sources. Maybe start at 50% fast/50% slower. All in all, it's going to come down to how you respond. Some people can handle fast carbs a lot better. Usually it's people with an ecto body type. For an endo, fast carbs are more likely to cause the person to get fat. For someone who store body fat more easily, it might be a better idea to rely on more slow carbs. IMO, either one is going to work at shuttling nutrients.