Diet is by far, the hardest part of the sport. No matter how good your diet is, there is always room to improve. Diet is what will make or break a bodybuilder. Anyone can go in and lift for an hour or two a day. Thats the fun part. Anyone can inject a ton of gear and take a ton of supps. Thats easy. If those two things alone worked, everyone would be big and ripped. Its the diet that makes the difference between the guys you see in the gym that stay the same, year after year and the guys that are always improving.
There are tons of guys online, making facebook posts every day, about how they are "living the lifestyle" but few of them actually are. You hit the nail on the head. It requires DRIVE. Where does that drive come from? It's different for everyone, but drive isn't something you can't be taught. Its something you either have or don't have. So look into your heart and if you find that don't want it bad enough...that it isn't worth the time, money and effort to add 20 more lbs, there is nothing wrong with that. That doesn't make you a failure, or less of a man than anyone else. Maybe you dicide that it is a hobby and a way to stay healthy and look good. Thats perfectly ok! To be honest, it would probably be more balanced than being a bodybuilder lol. You have to do whats in your heart and make yourself happy. On the other hand, maybe you deside that you do want this and you are willing to make the investment, thats cool too, but if that is the case, its time to (and excuse my harsh tone. I have good intentions) put up or shut up. If you want to make the most out of your physique, you need to do what it takes. If you want it, you will just make it happen. You are probably an ecto, and will require a lot more food than other guys you know. You might require 2x, 3x, maybe more. But if you want this, lets not make excuses as to why you can't. Don't give yourself that option. Only focus on solutions. If you want this, you will do what it takes to get the food down. Trust me. I can relate. I have some major ecto tendencies. I have to eat a lot more than most people. It is very hard sometimes. I just try to stay honest with myself, focus on my goals and do my best. And maybe most importantly, I accept my limits.
If you are interested in hiring a coach to get you on track, check me out here at Naps :