egg yolk in the morning

  • Babu
    egg yolk in the morning
    on: 2013-08-14 09:31:40
    thanks for answering my other questions. Currently i take 1 cup of oatmeal every morning and 4 whole eggs with some egg whites. What i would like to know is why are egg yolks so important in the morning? whats the role they play.Thanks
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: egg yolk in the morning
    on: 2013-08-18 06:07:44

    eggs are traditonally eaten in the morning and thats really the main reason they appear this way in the BB diet. yolks are a good source of fat plus thats where all the nutrients of the egg are. i would suggest using cage free omega eggs, at least for the whole eggs you consume. these chickens are fed flax seeds and the fats in their eggs are heart heathy. if you need to save money, use cheaper eggs for the eggs that you are using for the whites only. personally, i prefer to buy liquid egg whites. they are more expensive than the eggs alone, but they are super convenient. for some meals, i will drink the pasteurized whites straight. this can take a little getting used to but they are pasteurized and from what i understand, the low heat in this process is enough to denature the avidin and avoid biotin deficiency