Increasing appetite

  • jeb
    Increasing appetite
    on: 2015-01-06 03:38:05
    First off, many thanks for all your very helpful answers, I've learned a ton. Question: Is there any supplement/compound I can take to increase my appetite? It may have to do with the dbol I'm currently taking, but I need to do something! Thanks!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Increasing appetite
    on: 2015-01-17 04:27:33

    With an oral steroid, make sure you get tons of water. At least 1 gallon a day. I'd actually suggest you get 1 gallon regardless of aas use, but make sure you are getting at leas that much, if not more. Then look into liver protection like milk thistle, liv 52 and or NAC. If you liver is taking a beating, your appetite will go down. 

    As for supps, you can try GHRP6. 500mcg up to 3x day can work. Before you do that though, if you aren't doing cardio, add in a 15-20 min session of slow cardio post workout. It isnt going to be enough to effect your gains, but it does help many with increased hunger