3, 4, 5, 6, 7 meals? Does it matter?

  • Fushnicken
    3, 4, 5, 6, 7 meals? Does it matter?
    on: 2015-04-23 15:56:25
    There is so much speculation as to which is optimal. I have tried both school's of thought. 6-7 clean meals a day - usually 500 calorie meals. And I have hit my calories in 3 meals.Some say mixed meals keep you more anabolic. I personally know it is easier to track your numbers or "eye it" doing many meals. But the prep and getting the meals in can be a royal PITA. 3 meals a day is way more convenient and requires little prep.Which school of thought are you in? What are your reasons?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 meals? Does it matter?
    on: 2015-05-05 03:21:00

    Good question. The new school, younger mind set seems to be out to debunk all of the "dogma" that has worked for decades. I think its great that people are thinking for themselves and trying to figure out what works vs what is voodoo, but there has got to be a limit. I come in contact with 2 types of people. There are those that imply with their questions "What more can I do?" and those that imply " What more can I get away with?". Sometimes, i think the new generation of IIFYM'ers are looking for the best results they can get while remaining lazy. Please note, this is not directed at you by any means! I'm speaking in very general terms.    

    So anyway, we are all different and the only way to know what will work for you, is through experimenting. But a good experiment is done using data and observations that have already been gathered. So that being said, heres what I can share with you. I have found in my own life and with the physiques of others, that even when a guy keeps his food intake the same, breaking it up into more meals helps with better conditioning. If a guy wants to get into shape, and is eating 3 or 4 meals, the first thing I will do is break this up a little more and create 5- 6 meals. Sometimes, if someone is eating clean to begin with, this is the only change that needs to be initially made to evoke some changes. If an off season, going to 4 meals may actually help a guy that has a faster metabolism, as long as he is able to get the amount of food in per day that he needs to make progress. Most of the time, it's going to take more meals though, to meet his needs.

    So yea, 6 meals a day is a pain in the butt, no question and it might not be necessary for everyone, but in general, it works and has worked through the histroy of BB. There are guys on the boards that I come in contact with, that have never been in great shape and big. My suggestion is, follow what has always worked first and then once you understand it for yourself and your own body, see where you can deviate from the standard and see what works for you. 

    Once again. Good question!